Unlocking Productivity: Overcoming Procrastination for Creatives


As someone deeply rooted in the creative realm, I confess that my focus can sometimes flit around like a butterfly, barely settling in one place before moving to another. My mind craves a meticulously crafted environment to plunge into that deep state of creativity, often referred to as the 'flow'. A clean space, optimal temperature, and quiet surroundings are some of the conditions that set the stage for my best work.

While I've marvelled at those who can effortlessly churn out masterpieces in bustling coffee shops or with a podcast blaring through their airpods, I've recognised that's just not me. This self-awareness was achieved through ample trial and error, leading to the discovery of my perfect workspace. This hasn't just enhanced my productivity but has also proven instrumental in diminishing procrastination.

While I pride myself on generally being in sync with my productivity rhythms, like any other individual, I have those inevitable slump days. But rather than allowing them to pull me into the abyss of inaction, I have an arsenal of strategies to combat those lulls. Here are some techniques I've found invaluable, and I hope they might resonate with you:

○ 01. Redefine Your Workspace: Sometimes, just rearranging your work area can offer a fresh perspective. Add a new plant, reposition your desk, or introduce some artwork. A change in surroundings can stimulate your brain, offering a renewed energy to tackle tasks.

○ 02. Craft a Mood: I’m a firm believer in the power of ambience. For me, it's the warm, comforting aroma of a vanilla caramel candle from Glasshouse. This simple act of adding fragrance fosters a relaxed workspace, enhancing creativity and focus.

○ 03. Optimal Lighting: The right lighting can make a world of difference. I avoid glaring sunlight, ensuring that my workspace is well-lit without being blinding. It's all about striking a balance and ensuring that your eyes get the rest they need.

○ 04. Minimise Distractions: While some distractions might be intrinsic to your creative process, unnecessary interruptions can be detrimental. Consider apps like "Focus@Will" or "Forest" to maintain concentrated work sessions. One of the major culprits behind reduced productivity is digital distraction. By confining myself to the essentials and shutting down extraneous apps, I ensure that I remain on track.

○ 05. Prioritise Breaks: Never underestimate the rejuvenating power of breaks. From stretching to taking a walk, these moments of pause can bolster creativity. Setting defined breaks and ensuring time off post work can keep burnout at bay and balance work-life harmony.

○ 06. Embrace the Timer Technique: On days when focus seems elusive, setting a timer acts as a motivation booster. It creates a sense of urgency and adds a rewarding structure to the work. The Pomodoro Technique, where you work intensely for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break, can be especially effective.

○ 07. Stay Fluid and Flexible: Rigidity can often be a productivity killer. If you're not feeling a particular task, switch gears. Sometimes, reshuffling your schedule can lead to a more productive day, ensuring that you're working in sync with your mental state.

○ 08. Accountability Partner: Find someone who can check in on your progress. Knowing that someone will be assessing your output can be a motivating factor in pushing through a project.

○ 09. Visualise Your Goals: Create a vision board or jot down your goals. Having a visual representation of what you’re working towards can be a potent motivator.

Remember, the key isn’t to eliminate procrastination entirely (an occasional bout might even be beneficial for creatives!). It's about ensuring it doesn't become a habitual roadblock. Adapt and adjust these strategies to what suits your working style, and soon you'll find procrastination being a sporadic visitor rather than a persistent squatter in your creative journey.


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